life is about a battle. a display of power. who is superior- who has the greatest strength. everyday on the subway some girl is putting her hair in my book or just has her bag in my back... a guy is reaching over my head to hold the railing. the expected response is to push back-stand your ground-technically fight back to show you're stronger. Unfortunately, I find there are way more important battles to win. everyday in the office I am fighting stereotypes and pre-conceived notions of who I am and what I can do and what I can be. I believe in me. My ambition is fearless and so hungry that I can never get distracted by the little battles. the petty shit. The girl next to me angry about life- trying to stake her claim on the train (her small 2ft of territory)- is not worth the mental effort of trying to over power. Because after that 25 minute train ride. The elevator doors open and my real battle begins.
I don't believe ladders are stable enough to hold me so I'm inventing something that will take me to the top
what defines your character are all the randomosity in the world and how you deal with it
26 June, 2010
22 June, 2010
juicey- 1st edition
Not including my family, I've met some amazing people in my life thus far
Each interaction has contributed to the person that I am and making life sweet
believe the best in people
they will bring out the best in you
i meet new people everyday
21 June, 2010
like the apple hitting Newton on his head
I have a friend who, no judgment, is one of the clumsiest people I know. So clumsy that within the first 20-30 minutes of us meeting up for a drink or for food- what's on the table has somehow also ended up on their pants or shirt... I don't know how that's possible, but I've known them so long that I have stopped noticing this tertiary trait and just started to automatically sit down at a table and move anything close to them. Anything in the path of their arm movement while they talk; anything close to the edges of the table... I would even move the wine glass when they have placed it somewhere too close for comfort. After the first 3 occasions of doing this, they never even noticed I did it because we were so use to doing it- they wouldn't even notice me move anything.
Fast forward to current day, my friend has finally discovered the Tide pen. It's like a God sent. Like the apple hitting Newton on his head... They have raved for the past few days about this amazing dicovery. And have dedicated their life to- the Tide pen.
I mean, it was created over 5 years ago. We've all seen the commercials! We've all wanted to try it. But for some reason... I just never thought to suggest it; buy it as a gag Christmas present or think to introduce this simple but efficient product to my friend. And from some reason, they just never made the connect that the Tide pen was the solution to all of their clothing mishaps! Never saw the commercial and thought "let me try that!"

Fast forward to current day, my friend has finally discovered the Tide pen. It's like a God sent. Like the apple hitting Newton on his head... They have raved for the past few days about this amazing dicovery. And have dedicated their life to- the Tide pen.
I mean, it was created over 5 years ago. We've all seen the commercials! We've all wanted to try it. But for some reason... I just never thought to suggest it; buy it as a gag Christmas present or think to introduce this simple but efficient product to my friend. And from some reason, they just never made the connect that the Tide pen was the solution to all of their clothing mishaps! Never saw the commercial and thought "let me try that!"

Try new things- it can change your life!
Pay attention! There are things around you that can help make life 1) easier and 2) nicer.
Don't get so use to routine, as great of a comfort they are, you never learn anything. And you can always use that time to experience something new and exciting, thus learn about yourself and the world around you.
17 June, 2010
got off on the wrong side of the train
you ever wake up in the morning feeling normal.
day at the office- fine.
As soon as you mentally shut down and head for home- the weird shit starts happening...
I guess the precursor was when I took some time to talk to a close friend on the phone and everywhere I went 1) a smoker decided to stand right in front of me or 2) all the trucks that ever go through the neighborhood just keep passing by and honking or reversing... I get back to the office and start drafting an email that (I KNOW) I should not be drafting. Because once you draft something- it always gets sent!
End of day. You hit that revolving door and step out onto that pavement. Breathe. And have that first sigh of freedom...
My intuition starts tingling, but I'm thinking its my excitement to go home...
Get on the train, but can't figure out WHAT to play on my ipod. (that's when you know your mind is going crazy...when you can't even get the playlist right... (And I have 15 on my ipod))Take the express when I need the local.Start reading my book.Then just started brainstorming an event idea (I'm feeling inspired) Get off-get on again.BK style rush pass this lady to get a seat.Start writing again.
the lady doesn't sit next to me. But the drunk man DOES. (at least... I think he's drunk...)
I flip my black book open and he starts reading (how does a drunk man get nosey and manage to read?) Like a light switch that turns on...his head starts bobbin and he starts pointing to his head...He starts talking to me...thatswheniknewhewasadrunkard.... I look to my right (are his eyes half closed?) All I heard is- 'that's when ya mind starts to...' Look straight ahead-eff- the trian door just closed.
(Keep the head phones in-look straight) The lady that was SUPPOSE to sit there- finally looks up and sees him talking to me and me blank staring HARD at the closed subway door.... Now the guy next to hear stares at me... (Keep the head phones in-look straight)
(Did he really just touch my arm??! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeW) .I'm getting off at the next stop.
Next train car riding. Now the walk home.
(Stopmakingeyecontactwithme) No- i dont want to talk to you... Thank you... (don't make eye contact)...Thank you... .wait.
is that a 14 year old with a plastic cup and brown paperbag? (don't make eye contact) Damn- he's trying to holla. shaking head left to right. shaking head left to right. AAAAnd he's still walking with me.AAAAnd he's still trying to holla. Now his friend is on it. Now I'm crossing the street- the car couldn't move fast enough. dang! i still have to get chinese food? (maybe I don't have to)
Foodinhand. Now block I have to walk is a soultrain line and everyone wants a high five. (Keep the head phones in-look straight)
EXPERIENCED GAINED: Don't take yourself so seriously. Shit happens! Drunk people talk to strangers- they're drunk!
i dont know how to blog
be a social networking stalker
spend at least 15-20 minutes catching up on that individual's life via their facebook, twitter, blog, or googlebuzz. start with the pictures, move on to the words.
be a celeb blog frequenter
just like being in the know! have favorites but never be a fan.
be a connecter
help people find people who can help them succeed, accomplish a goal, or learn more. the feeling of helping someone is great not matter how you find out. its great karma!
LESSON LEARNED: what goes around comes around
be a social networking stalker
spend at least 15-20 minutes catching up on that individual's life via their facebook, twitter, blog, or googlebuzz. start with the pictures, move on to the words.
be a celeb blog frequenter
just like being in the know! have favorites but never be a fan.
be a connecter
help people find people who can help them succeed, accomplish a goal, or learn more. the feeling of helping someone is great not matter how you find out. its great karma!
LESSON LEARNED: what goes around comes around
14 June, 2010
the state of randomness
life is random
what defines your character are all the randomosity in the world and how you deal with it
want to share my journey of stories; lessons learned; experiences gained
maybe you learn you something- maybe you will just be entertained
let the randomosity begin
what defines your character are all the randomosity in the world and how you deal with it
want to share my journey of stories; lessons learned; experiences gained
maybe you learn you something- maybe you will just be entertained
let the randomosity begin
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