But either way, here are some fun facts about 'Inside the Male Mind'! (yes, I am being selective)
24% of Black men said they do not feel appreciated by Black women
56% are bothered by the hair weaves
55% said they would respect a man who had a successful marriage over a successful career
43% of Black men thought 30-35 is the ideal age to get married. (median for the American man is 28)
56% thought sex was definitely better in a relationship
Over-analytical me says:
To Black women appreciation- uuh, so- what about the majority percentage of that answer- what do they think? In order for me to really believe this, I would need to know what the other 76% think in that survey... But hey guys! Did you know its more difficult for a woman get preggos as she gets closure to 40?? You're effin up my life plan with this 30-35 thing. Cause according to this survey, you seem to think a successful marriage is more important than a successful career?
I'm all kinds of messed up with this one. Or maybe I'm just defensive?... haha
EXPERIENCE GAINED: reality check
hmmmmm this is rather interesting. Ugh Essence can be rather annoying with these articles. Poop